John 17:3-5 (NIV); Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and
Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the
work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had
with you before the world began.
The result of the propitiation, justification, redemption and reconciliation brought about
through Jesus’ death and resurrection is renewed and eternal relationship with God the
Father. This is a momentous thing, and when one truly stops to think about it, it is a wonder
that we can overlook such a blessing or brush it off as “been there done that” – but we do!
We take for granted our relationship with the Creator. While others around us are searching
for some sort of spirituality to fill the God-space inside, many of us nonchalantly harbour
the truth that we have direct access to the One who has made us for the very purpose of
relationship with Him!
Christ’s work on the cross gave us an ETERNAL relationship with God. It is not a “here
today, gone tomorrow” relationship; it is real and everlasting. This is why Jesus said that
eternal life is to KNOW God. This personal and eternal relationship is such an incredible
blessing. Through this truth we can find purpose and meaning in our lives and spread this
to others in the process!
1) Do listening prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any indifference, or lack of
excitement in your heart towards the relationship that Jesus has made available to
you. Do you take it for granted?
2) What would you love to see happen in your relationship with the Lord? Read the verses
again and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a passion and a vision about the direction
of your relationship with Him. Thank God and tell Him the desires of your heart.
3) Ask the Lord for a picture or a word about how He wants to use you and your
relationship with Him to help others see the joy of what it means to know Him. What
is one thing that you need to start doing (or stop doing) in order to be effective in this.