Friday, April 20, 2012

Foundations April 21, 2012

Bible Poetry Reading Plan: Ecclesiastes 5-6
2 Chronicles 24:22 (NIV);
King Joash did not remember the kindness Zechariah’s father Jehoiada
had shown him but killed his son, who said as he lay dying, “May the LORD see this and call you to

The story of the boy-king continues (see yesterday’s devotional), and the account in 2 Chronicles
reveals his unfortunate end. It is an extremely sad story. The boy who God saved to carry on the
Messianic promise became a man who turned his ear to wicked counsel and died with blood on his
The priest Jehoiada had worked vigorously to preserve the royal line and ensure Joash’s protection.
He was a wise priest who loved the Lord and directed Joash in repairing the Temple and leading the
people back to God. But when Jehoiada died, Joash was lead astray by his officials and lead his
people back to idol worship. Filled with the Spirit Jehoiada’s son, Zechariah, chastised the people of
Judah for their disobedience. And Joash’s response? How did Joash repay the kindness shown to him
by the priest Jehoiada? By killing his son, Zechariah. Pride and arrogance had taken over the king’s
heart and he ended his life in wickedness.
In Matthew 23 Jesus is calling out the hypocrisy and wickedness of the Pharisees and in His petition
He recalls the blood spilled at the hands of Joash. He tells the Pharisees that the blood of Abel and
of Zechariah and of all the prophets in between is on their hands. Israel’s sin was the sin of a nation,
and all who lived in rebellion and refusal to repent had blood on their hands. Though God could use
various individuals such as Joash for His redemptive purposes, each man and woman still had their
own choice whether they would follow God’s way or take their own. Joash was a catalyst, but He
did not end well. And surely on Judgment Day he will be held accountable for the wickedness of His
heart. Endurance is important to God. Let us be inspired to live well day-by-day so that we can lay on
our deathbeds with peace about the past and anticipation for the future.

1. How would you like to end? Journal about this. Ask God if this truly is the direction that you are
heading in. What does He say you are doing well? What changes must you make in order to end
this way?
2. What do you need to do today in order to end this day well?