Friday, March 22, 2013

Foundations: Genesis (Part One) - Day 21

Read: Genesis 22
In this chapter we find God putting Abraham to the ultimate test (v. 1).  The conditional promise which was given in Genesis 12:1-3 would be guaranteed if Abraham passed the test.  The death of Isaac would contradict everything that God had promised Abraham.  Would Abraham obey?  Does he fully believe in the promise that God gave him?  He had failed before therefore Ishmael was born and now was lost to him.  Now God commands Abraham to take the son of the promise, his beloved son and offer him as a burnt offering (v. 2).  Abraham promptly obeys, gathers his supplies and begins on the journey to Moriah (v. 3).  It is commonly believed that the mountain upon which Abraham offered up Isaac is the exact same mountain on which God offered up His Son, Jesus, to be the substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of the world.  On the third day they arrived.  This number is significant because of Christ’s rising from the dead on the third day.  Abraham and Isaac then leave the servants behind as they go to worship the Lord.  Isaac carries the wood for the offering and Abraham carries the knife and fire (v. 6).  Did you notice how Abraham said, “and come again to you” to his servants?   Hebrews 11:17-19 gives us further insight into this incident: 17 By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, 18 even though God had said to him, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” 19 Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death.  Abraham went fully prepared to offer his son, and yet confidently expecting to have him restored to life again.  Isaac, questions, “where is the lamb” (v. 7)?  Abraham replies, “God will provide” (v. 8).  If Abraham had any doubt that God would not miraculously intervene in some way the binding and placing of his son on the altar would have been agonizing.  Abraham raises the knife.  But God intervenes!  Abraham’s action confirms his faith and obedience to God.  His faith is now active, it is complete.  God provides a ram to be sacrificed as a burnt offering instead of Isaac (v. 13) and Abraham offers it up as a burnt offering.  The place was called Jehovah-Jireh (v. 14), the Lord will provide! 
The angel of the Lord then calls to Abraham a second time (v. 15) and in the most solemn manner Abraham is assured of the promise that God made with him back in Genesis 12:1-3.  The Lord blesses Abraham by promising him many descendants (v. 17) and also by promising that one particular seed shall possess the gate of his enemies and through him all the nations of the earth would be blessed (v. 18).  Here we see that once again Genesis is interested in tracking a single unique line of offspring that will eventually lead to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. 
Abraham then returns and dwells at Beersheba (v. 19).  He is told that his brother Nahor has eight children by his wife Milcah (v. 20).  We are given their names in verses 21-23 as well as told of the children by his brother’s concubine Reumah (v. 24).  The reference to Rebekah shows the significance of this mini-section of genealogies.  God is further preparing the line of Abraham by a suitable spouse for Isaac. 

Prayer and Journaling
1.   This test shows that Abraham now fully believes in the promise of the covenant.  He is no longer doing things his own way (think Hagar and Ishmael) and he is no longer full of fear (think lying to Abimelech).  Abraham is no longer thinking naturally.  He now sees that God can intervene supernaturally (see Heb. 11:17-19)!!!  Over the years Abraham has grown in trusting God.  He isn’t doubting anymore, He isn’t fixing the problem himself, he isn’t lying either.  Abraham is obeying!  He had experienced many failures but God continued to mold his character so that he would pass the final test, when it mattered most.  Thank God for the ordinary people in the Scriptures who help teach us about spiritual growth and maturity.  Thank Him for the patience and love that He has for His children and that He doesn’t give up on us but rather picks us up and encourages us to press on!  Pray that you would grow in sensing these aspects of God’s character. 
2.   Is there a promise that God has given you that requires a step of faith or obedience?  Ask the Lord to show you what that step is.  Or, ask Him for a promise and then for a step of faith or obedience that you can take. 
3.   Worship God!  He grew Abraham into maturity even though it took many years!  He’ll do that for you too – if you let Him.  If you choose to follow Him and if you choose to endure and press on.  Ask Him to show you the work of transformation that He has done in your life so far.  Thank Him for this transformation.  Pray that you would continue to seek Him and follow Him.  Pray for endurance.