Friday, November 8, 2013

Foundations: 1 Samuel - Day 3

READ: 1 Samuel 4

This chapter along with the next two tell a story about the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant had been constructed along with the Tabernacle under the leadership of Moses. On Mount Sinai God had revealed His plans regarding the Israelites’ lifestyle of worship. Within the Tabernacle was an inner room called the Most Holy Place and the Ark of the Covenant was the only piece of furniture in that room. Inside it were three things: the stone tablets upon which were written the Ten Commandments, a golden urn holding a portion of manna, and Aaron’s staff which God had caused to bud and flower in order to show Aaron and his family as the priestly line. The Ark itself was overlaid with gold and was covered with a golden slab called the mercy seat. On it were two cherubim with wings out-stretched and faces looking downward in awe. It was here between the cherubim that God would speak to Moses. The Ark became the visible sign of the presence and power of the Lord in Israel. And it was an important aspect of battle, generally showing that the Lord was with Israel in their fight.
While the Ark of the Covenant was God’s choice of meeting place, the Ark itself held no power. In this story we see that the Israelites are without a fear of the Lord. After their defeat by the Philistines, they do not seek the Lord’s wisdom; rather they bring the Ark into their camp presuming that it will bring victory. Treating it like a charm, they assume that its presence will automatically bring Yahweh’s support. But God cannot be mocked. He is not a man, and He is most definitely not an object to be trifled with. He is Creator and Lord of the Universe, almighty and sovereign in all He does!
This sovereignty of God is the theme we see throughout the story of 1 Samuel 4-6. First, though Samuel is not present (he is probably growing up during this time), the story begins with one line about him: “And the word of Samuel came to all Israel.” (4:1) The prophecy God had given Samuel on the night of his calling is about to come true in this story. The first truth of God’s sovereignty proclaimed in this story is this: His word always accomplishes something. God said that Hophni, Phinehas and Eli would die and they did, according to His Word.
The end of the chapter describes the effect of the day’s events. With her final breaths, the wife of Phinehas mourns the loss of the Ark of the Covenant, even naming her child for the ominous occasion. The loss of the Ark is much more than a stolen trinket; that God would allow the mercy seat – His chosen place of communion – to be taken by the enemy shows that something is not right in Israel. Though God is not bound to a box, He is to be revered and His way is to be honoured. Israel’s lack of reverence results in the deportation of the Lord’s glory. In their haste the Israelites have sold themselves short; in opting for a quick fix they have lost both the Ark and the sign of God’s presence and power in their midst.

1.   Ask God to reveal a way that you lack reverence for Him – a way that you are treating Him as less than holy. Confess this to Him and ask Him to give you the correct perspective. How will this perspective change your view of God?
2.  We often put our hope in things, people and ourselves when we need to put our hope and trust in God alone. We depend on something to change a bad habit that we have. We depend on someone to change their attitude before we can change ours. We depend on ourselves and our own strength to minister in the way God called us to. Etc., etc., etc.! God must be our FIRST and FOREMOST go-to! He wants us to lay our hearts out before Him. He wants us to ask Him for strategy when we don’t know what to do. He wants us to ask for His Spirit’s filling to do the tasks He has called us to!
a.  In what way have you been depending on something/someone/yourself instead of God? Confess this to Him.
b.  Take some time to bring this thing before God. He is so pleased when you do this! Lay it out before Him, ask Him for His strategic wisdom, and pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you so that you can depend on HIS strength today.
3.   Who are some people that you know who have walked away from the Lord and in doing so have deported God’s glory from their lives? Spend some time interceding for them. Ask God how you can pray for restoration in their lives and pray as He leads you.