Saturday, May 3, 2014

Foundations: James - Day 13

Read: James 5:7-12
Today’s passage talks about how to respond rightly when you are wronged.  It’s not a matter of “if” you will be wronged, but rather “when” you will be wronged since we live in a fallen and sinful world.  As Christians we must learn to handle mistreatment rightly because God does not promise to protect us from being wronged.  According to James, the key in overcoming mistreatment is patience.  The Lord is returning as Judge and He will make all things right!  This should encourage us to keep walking in righteousness in tough times.  It should also be a warning because He will not just judge those who have wronged us He will also judge us.  The passage illustrated patience’s with the example of the farmer (v. 7), the prophets (v. 10) and Job’s perseverance (v. 11).  When the righteous suffer for no fault of their own, they must wait on the Lord to judge the wicked and reward them for their endurance. 

The theme of patiently enduring trials is woven throughout the entire bible.  When we read the prophets we find that following the Lord and serving Him does not protect us from all trials.  In fact, many of the prophets were persecuted because of their message.  Then there was Job, an upright and blameless man who feared God and turned away from evil (Job 1:1), yet he suffered tremendously.  God blesses those who endure, not those who quit.  This does not mean that we will always feel good about what we are going through – trials are hard.  The point is to submit to God in the midst of the trial.  We can only do this if we truly believe that God is in control of our hardships and that He has a purpose that He is accomplishing.  No matter how difficult our trials we must not doubt God’s goodness or love. 

The final verse in this passage (v. 12) may seem a bit out of place as it has to do with taking oaths.  The real issue is speaking the truth at all times as this verse is not a ban on taking oaths, such as in the courtroom.  In the last two chapters James has been discussing worldliness, wealth and pride which result in relational conflicts.  Here James is calling believers to truthful communication.  Truth is essential for trust.  Therefore let your “yes be yes and your no be no” (v. 12). 

Prayer and Journaling
1.   God is love and a God of justice.  Thank Him that He will right all things in His time.  Praise Him that we can depend on His justice and do not need to take things into our own hands.  Thank Him that by living in relationship with Him we can listen to His voice and know when to take a stand and when t to be silent. 
2.  Ask Jesus to remind you of an injustice you have experienced in your life.  Write down what you receive.  Ask Him to give you clarity concerning this injustice in the area of what He wants to accomplish in you through this injustice.  Thank Him for what He shows you. 
3.   If you are waiting for Jesus to do something in your life, ask Him if He may actually want you to do your part in taking steps and doing what is right even when you don’t feel like it.  What would these steps look like for you?