Friday, June 27, 2014

Foundations: Psalms - Day 16

READ:  Psalm 37-38

Psalm 37 begins with a stark instruction: don’t be jealous of wicked people because they are going to die anyway. The rest of the chapter explains in many different ways how to live so we won’t be counted among the wicked. David has seen many wicked people fall into obscurity, gone with nothing left to mark their lives. Yet David is full of hope for those who love God and trust Him. There are so many benefits – even when faced with danger, disaster and death.

The Lord’s protection and provision are sure. However, justice plays a strong role. It’s not just about waiting out the pain, but understanding God will most definitely make it all right one day. He will pay the wicked what they deserve and the righteous will be preserved forever. Two verses that stand out are 37-38. Verse 37b says, “there is a future for the man of peace.” This future is both on earth and in heaven. Interesting to note is how David is speaking about all the blameless and all the sinners. We need to remember this. Too many times we look at chapters like this, shake our fists at heaven and ask, “Why am I going through the very same things some non-Christians are?” These two verses give us the answer.

Our perspective needs to be on our eternal future. That’s where the difference is made clear and concise. The fullness of the promises will be witnessed in eternity, and that’s the very reason we need to live according to verse 5. The truth is this: When we commit our way to God and trust in Him our eternities will be changed from death to life!

So many of us struggle with health issues. Often we run to doctors or health professionals for answers and diagnoses. Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with going to a doctor for help, David reminds us in Psalm 38 that sometimes our health issues are directly from the hand of God. He can choose many ways to discipline us. David experienced God’s discipline in the form of health problems. Some of David’s issues were open and festering wounds, searing back pain, feeling sick to his stomach, deep depression, racing heart, and overall weakness. It even sounds like he has a foggy brain and is having trouble thinking and communicating clearly. Some of us may feel like he’s writing our medical history!

David’s not at all surprised at the health struggles he’s facing. He knows he sinned. He knows God loves him. And because of that, he fully expects God to discipline him. What is his cure? To cry out to the Lord and confess his sin. Not all health issues are evidence of God’s discipline or wrath. However, what might change in our health and bodies if we asked God first about hidden sin, or sinful lifestyles and attitudes, listening carefully and obeying before going to the doctor for help?

1.   Ask the Lord to remind you or reveal to you any times you may have been jealous of others who seem to prosper even though – or because – they were wicked. Then ask Him to give you a long list of things He has done specifically just for you. Keep adding to that list by asking Him to remind you of what He has promised for you in heaven. Pray a prayer of confession for being envious of the wicked. Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for a life of blessing both now and in the promise of all eternity.
2.   Pray Psalm 37:5 by first praying a prayer of commitment to the Lord. Then ask Him to fill you with reminders of His faithfulness so your trust in Him can grow and grow.
3.   If you are struggling with any health issue, big or small, ask the Lord if your health issue is a consequence of a sin or a discipline from Him. If it is, confess your sin to Him, then ask Him if there are any steps you need to take to follow Him into health before you see your doctor again. Make a commitment to obey Him. If you do not sense the Lord is disciplining you, thank Him for the doctors we have available to us and ask Him to give you spiritual eyes and ears to recognize His discipline if and when it comes.