Sunday, October 24, 2010
THANKFUL SUBMISSION – Submission in Relationships
Psalm 55:12-14 (NIV); “If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were raising himself against me, I could hide from him. But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship as we walked with the throng at the house of God.”
God has created us as relational beings – people who need companionship to some degree. God spoke to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. There is intimacy and faithfulness within true friendship that we all desire. Most of us have known friendships of loyalty; friends with whom we have overcome insurmountable difficulties, who have encouraged, helped and defended us. And then we have also experienced the pangs of betrayal, as illustrated in the second passage, when friend becomes foe. We need friendships within the body built upon love, submission and honor, so that when a bad decision is made on one’s part, the other has the clout to hold them accountable. Also, our encouragement and love towards those who are outside of the body needs to surpass that of unbelievers! We need to intentionally listen and speak into the needs of those around us.
1. Who are the close friends that God has ordained in your life? Take some time to thank God for them and to pray for them.2. Ask God to reveal how you have neglected friends, treated them badly or taken them for granted. How do you need to lay aside selfishness and be a better friend?
3. Are you experiencing injustice at the hand of a friend? Take time to meditate upon Psalm 55. Ask God to reveal any sin on your part. Ask Him how to handle your situation with complete love and integrity. (If this does not apply to you, meditate on the Psalm anyways.)