Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians: Day 2
Read: Corinthians 1:10 - 2:5 In your journal, write down the things that stick out to you from today’s Bible reading. Respond to what God shows you as you feel led.
The first issue Paul addresses is that of division. The Corinthian church seemed to find
something to fight about in everything. Though they were called to unity, they had stirred up
disunity by comparing with each other which man they followed for spiritual leadership (Paul,
Apollos, Peter). (v 10-17) Paul addresses outright the foolishness of this petty argument by
pointing the Corinthians to the immaculate wisdom of God which dwarfs any human wisdom
and leadership. (v 18 – 2:5) Paul reminds them that it is because of Jesus that they are
saved and are found in Him – their salvation and life is not found in Paul, Apollos, Peter or
anyone else. (v 30)
examine your heart on this question. Confess any grudge He reveals and ask Him how
you are to go about reconciling the division.
2. Do you ever brag to others about the relationship you have to leaders in the church or
community? Do you subtly name-drop so that others will think highly of you because of
who you know? Ask God to show you His opinion of this kind of behaviour.
3. Spend some time praying that there would be unity in the Southland church body (or in
your own church if you do not attend Southland). Ask God how to pray against division
and then do so. As you pray, allow the Holy Spirit to search your own heart for any ways
that you have contributed to disunity in the church and repent of that, choosing not to
continue in those destructive actions. Thank God that He loves to restore us back into
community and use us to bring oneness.