Sunday, June 9, 2013

Foundations: The Book of Joshua - Day 20

Read Joshua 23

Joshua is now advanced in age. He is nearing death and is settling his affairs. First he calls the leaders of Israel together. Joshua wants to leave a legacy. He wants Israel to continue following God in his absence. The most effective way to ensure this legacy is to train others to lead Israel in following God. Joshua reminds the leaders of all that God has done so far. They have seen His power and His faithfulness. Now they must be careful to serve Him. Joshua gives them both a blessing and a warning. God is holy and just. If Israel obeys Him, he will surely drive out the nations before them. However, if Israel strays from God and takes on the traditions of other nations, God will surely punish them.

Prayer and Journaling
1.   Re-read this chapter. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you personally through these words. Write down any verses that stick out for your life and anything the Holy Spirit says to you through these verses. Respond to what He shows you – have a conversation. Thank Him for speaking to you today.
2.   The best legacy we can leave is encouraging others to serve Jesus wholeheartedly. Ask God for a step you can take to do this today.
3.   Pray for the parents in our church family today. Pray that the importance of leaving a godly legacy would sink deep into their hearts. Pray that they would love Him first. The ability to parent well can only come from their relationship with Him. Pray that God would give them creative strategies to raise each of their children. Pray that He would give them physical, mental and emotional strength. Pray that He would surround parents with godly, supportive community. Pray that parents who have struggled to live like this would know that their families can be redeemed by Jesus.