Sunday, June 16, 2013

Foundations: The Book of Judges - Day 6

READ: Judges 6:33 – 7:25

The time has come for Gideon to rise up to the Lord’s call. The Midianites and their allies have gathered in Jezreel, and the Spirit of the Lord comes over Gideon, filling him with courage and zeal, and empowering him to muster up an army from four of the tribes. Yet even with the Lord clearly on his side, Gideon struggles with doubt and unbelief. Though he received a clear sign when his offering was burned up before the angel of the Lord, he now asks for two more signs! God is merciful and allows Gideon his requests, proving both times that He will surely help Gideon to win the battle. Gideon’s story is an example of how God works alongside us in our fears and weaknesses. He is not angry at our shortcomings, but He wants to lead us into a place of deeper trust.

What happens next is a true test of faith for Gideon. With an army of 32,000 he sets out to attack the Midianites. But while encamped at the spring of Harod, God whittles his army down to a mere 300 men! God is going to do things His own way. His greater purpose in this victory is His own glory – that those who see Gideon’s army win this battle will know that it was the Lord God of Israel who gave the Midianites into Gideon’s hand. Gideon wasn’t appointed to leadership because of some deep inner strength hidden somewhere inside himself. God wasn’t there to inspire Gideon to “find himself” within. Gideon was nothing without the Lord; on his own he had no might or courage. God called him “mighty man of valour” because He knew what Gideon could do with God’s might and God’s power working through Him. And it seems that Gideon has learned something through his encounters with God because we don’t even hear him question the Lord here; those whom God tells him to send home he sends home.

God is so merciful to Gideon. Though Gideon has been obedient, God sees the fear that lingers in his heart and sends him to listen in on a conversation between two Midianite soldiers. Gideon is so encouraged that he worships the Lord right there and then runs back to camp with a battle plan. The attack that ensues is quite remarkable. The plan is bizarre: 300 men blowing trumpets and smashing jars to defeat an army that is so huge it is likened to the sand on the seashore! But it works! In fact, the Midianite army turns against itself and the soldiers start attacking one another! The battle is indeed the Lord’s!

1.   The passages you read today declare truths about God’s character: He is merciful, He is mighty, He is sovereign, etc. Spend some time meditating on what you read today and ask God to reveal more about Himself to you. Thank God for who He is. Thank Him that you can trust Him to be these things all the time.
2.   Our culture is quick to tell us that we have everything we need inside of us, that we have power within to accomplish anything we want to do. Certainly God has gifted His children in many wonderful ways, but if we are to do the work of the kingdom, we’re going to need a lot more than the power within ourselves!
a.   Ask God to show you how you have relied on your own strength to accomplish something. Confess your lack of dependence and ask God to show you what His way is in this situation.
3.   The words of the prophet Isaiah ring true through Gideon’s battle: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways” (Is 55:8-9). His thoughts and ways are higher than ours.
a.   Meditate on this. What does it mean to say that God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours?
b.  What is troubling you today? Ask God to give you His higher perspective.