Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Foundations: Jonah & Nahum - Day 3

Read: Jonah 3-4

God reminds Jonah of his task to preach His message to the Ninevites (3:1) and this time Jonah willingly obeys.  The message was simply that in forty days the city would be destroyed.    The king believed and issued a proclamation that everyone should fast, call on the Lord and give up their evil ways – perhaps God will change His mind and they will not perish?  Much to the irritation of Jonah, God does spare the city and did not bring upon Nineveh the destruction that was threatened.  Chapter three stands out in the Bible as one of the greatest revivals of history.  God’s gracious offer of salvation extended to all who would repent and turn to Him.  You would think that Jonah would be pleased that God spared the city and that the people repented but Jonah is angered by God’s compassion (4:1).  Jonah knew from the very beginning that God wouldn’t destroy Nineveh because He always shows love and compassion which was why Jonah didn’t want to preach there in the first place!  The Lord responds to Jonah by providing a vine to shield the sulking prophet from the hot sun.  God then made the vine wither and die, leaving Jonah exposed to the elements.  The message is clear.  The world belongs to God and it is filled with God’s creations.  If Jonah can care about something so little as a vine should God not care about the inhabitants of Nineveh that number 120,000 people?  God continued to show grace to His stubborn prophet by rebuking Jonah in this way.  God is still patient with people and sends prophets, missionaries, pastors and teachers to warn them to turn to Him but God’s patience will not last forever.  Judgement will come; we will see that in Nahum. 

Prayer and Journaling
1.   God’s compassion for the Ninevites clearly shows that He has concern for the whole world and is sovereign over nature and human affairs.  Thank Jesus for His sovereignty and love of all His creatures.  Praise Him for being a God who cares, loves, is gracious, merciful and kind. 
2.   Jonah had some of his own ideas about Nineveh and God’s compassion.  It can be easy for us too to think that we know what God should do in a particular circumstance.  Ask the Lord to reveal to you if you what assumptions you have made in the past.  Pray that you would learn to follow God’s ways and trust Him in all things, even if you do not understand what He is doing. 
3.   Sometimes we can forget how patient God is and how full of compassion He is.  God gives people chance after chance to turn to Him.  But eventually time runs out.  Pray for the Canadian Church to turn to God in complete surrender, before time runs out.