Monday, October 21, 2013

Foundations: Micah - Day 2

Read: Micah 2
This chapter begins with Micah describing the depths of the sins of the people.  They are so evil that they stay awake at night scheming ways that they can take advantage of the poor (v. 1-2).  Therefore, God will have a stronger nation come in and do the same to them.  They will experience calamity, the rich landowners will fall and they will be cut off from the Promised Land.  In verses 6-7a Micah mimics the false prophets who keep telling the people that everything is going to be fine.  This sounds familiar in our day as many Christian leaders and churches say that everything is going to be fine.  Some even go so far as to teach that final judgment and eternal damnation does not exist.  Then there are others that teach a false health and wealth Gospel.  Verse 11 shows what kind of prophet the people wanted to listen to - one that promised what they wanted to hear.  Is that what we hear when we seek the Lord?  Even though the people are headed for captivity God promises deliverance!  There is the hope of restoration in the midst of this terrible message of judgment.  After the exile God will gather the remnant and bring them back (v. 12). 

Prayer and Journaling
1.   Micah speaks of the rich who are exploiting the poor.  What does this look like in our world today with our global economy?  Ask the Lord to show you ways that you can take a stand against this. 
2.   Verse 11 speaks of how the people wanted to listen to someone who would tell them what they wanted to hear.  Meditate on this verse for a moment, asking the Lord to bring clarity on what this looks like in your life.
3.   The chapter closes with a marvelous promise for those who would experience oppression.  Ask the Lord to speak a promise to you today about an issue that you are facing.  Thank Him for what He shows you.