Read: Zechariah 12
What a
powerful passage of Scripture! What a brilliant description of what’s still to
come! Here’s a question: why should we
read such descriptions? Brothers and sisters, they are vital! For one, they
give us God’s heart for Israel and His plan for that great, but threatened
nation. Second, they reveal to us what God is really like. In chapter 12 we are
told of a great move by the nations of the world to destroy Israel – “on that
day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her . . .” and that God will be their victory, “I
will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations.” (12:3) What’s
amazing about this prophecy is how specific it is – i.e. “the Lord will save
the dwellings of Judah first . . .” (12:7) and God’s incredible desire to use and
bless His people, “. . . so that the feeblest among them will be like David . .
.” (12:8) Do we see God this way? Is this only how He deals with Israel, or can
we trust God to be just as involved in our lives? As you read through this
chapter, keep noting both the power and detail of what God promises – i.e. “I
will keep a watchful eye over the house of Judah, but I will blind all the
horses of the nations” (12:4).
Then we get the
promise of a stunning revival in Israel! “They will look on me, the one they
have pierced . . .”. (12:10) Jesus hasn’t even been pierced yet – what a
prophecy! This word from God talks about their reaction at His second coming
before the first coming has happened! It’s very likely that the Hebrew should
be translated, “they will look TO me” rather than, “they will look on me”. The
grieving and weeping at that time speaks of genuine and true repentance. Again,
there are specific details about clans, etc. to show us that God is sovereign
and that He will work in a very powerful way. What a great God!
Prayer and Journaling
1. Ask
God how you can pray for Israel right now. What is His heart? His desire?
Definitely pray for national revival – this is God’s Will!
2. We
see how specific God is in this
prophecy through Zechariah. Ask Him to speak specifically about your life and
the details of it. Be open to Him – He is Good! He may speak of things you have
not heard from Him before.
3. Ask
the Lord if there are areas where you have not shown genuine, heartfelt
repentance. Think about His second coming – we want to be unashamed at that
moment! Let’s deal with anything that would keep us from getting us to that
place. Genuine repentance is the pathway there.