Monday, December 23, 2013

Foundations: Zechariah - Day 8

Read: Zechariah 9
In chapter 9 Zechariah shifts to focus more on international matters, along with providing a more detailed description regarding what will happen in the last days. Of course, Israel is still mentioned frequently as the Jews and their land are the “epicenter” of all that happens. This has been the case since God’s promises to Abraham in Genesis 12. Nevertheless, that very promise was only God’s beginning point, as it included a desire to bless all the nations. Since God has His eyes on all nations, Zechariah first gives an oracle highlighting that those who have been against God’s “house” (Israel) will be dealt with comprehensively, with justice and holiness. (9:1-8) The message of ALL the prophets is that God is sovereign over all! Isn’t it great that we can leave ultimate justice up to God?
Second, Zechariah tells the Jews that a great King is coming! This is a reason to “rejoice greatly” (9:9)! He will bring salvation, peace and MUCH blessing! Are these not things that we all long for? Jesus is bringing them! Then there are promises for us, His people, as we will sparkle “like jewels in a crown” (9:17). These verses speak of both Jesus’ first coming (riding on a donkey, v. 9) and second coming (his rule will extend from sea to sea, v. 10). So much prophecy has “now, fairly soon, and distant future” aspects!
In this chapter, we see that Jesus is gentle (9:9), powerful (9:10, 14-15), a redeemer (9:12) and a wonderful Shepherd (9:16).

Prayer and Journaling
1.   Think of what the devil is using to attack God’s people today. Write these things down in your journal and thank Jesus for having a plan to defeat His enemies.
2.   Ask God if you are spending enough time thinking about the future, and His coming. Ask Him to show you the benefits of having your eyes “fixed on what is unseen, not on what is seen”.
3.   Spend some time worshipping Jesus for all of the things noted at the end of the chapter 9 write-up. He is so Glorious!