Friday, April 25, 2014

Foundations: James - Day 5

Read:  James 2:1-13
The main emphasis in today’s passage of scripture is favouritism.  To show favouritism is prejudice whether it’s based on economic status, race or anything else.  When God’s people come together to worship Him corporately at church the world should be baffled at how people of difference races, economic and social levels and age groups can have such love and harmony.  Showing partiality puts man as judge in the place of God.  But James goes further than that in saying that showing favouritism aligns you with God’s enemies (v. 6-7).  He mentions how the rich exploit the poor (v. 6), this should not be!  Exploitation of the poor has been going on for centuries and is one way the rich have gotten wealthy - James refers to this as blasphemy (v. 7).

In verse 9 James plainly states that favouritism is sin.  Partiality is sinful is because it violates God’s law of love (v. 8).  Part of loving your neighbour as yourself includes treating each person fairly and objectively.  This means caring about their needs, their feelings, their desires and treating people the way you would want to be treated.  When people favour the rich they are treating the poor with contempt, which is sinful.  This topic matters so much to James that he includes a discussion on how violating the law in one area makes a person guilty of breaking the whole law (v. 11).  James is really trying to hammer home the importance of realizing that favouritism is sin.  This shows the importance of not dismissing any Biblical command as no big deal.  James concludes this section by reminding believers to remember that judgment is coming (v. 12).   Those who refuse to show mercy to others will face God’s merciless judgment but those who show mercy will receive mercy (v. 13).  If we profess to know Christ then there will be evidence of that in our lives through the way that we show mercy to others. 

Prayer and Journaling
1.   Ask the Lord to reveal to you any judgmental words, prejudice, thoughts or other forms of favouritism that you have engaged in this past week.  Confess as necessary.    
2.   Ask the Lord to work in your heart and mind to help you see beneath the surface as you relate to people.  Ask Him to grow you in your love for people and to see them as He sees them. 
3.   Thank the Lord for His unfailing love and care for all people!  Ask Him to grow the church in showing Christ-like attitudes towards all people.