Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Foundations: Proverbs - Day 30 - Cautiousness In Speech

READ: Proverbs 16:23, 18:2, 25:15
In the last number of devotionals, we’ve been looking at a variety of aspects of speech. In this final one on the topic, an overarching key will be highlighted. We should be regularly weighing what we say. Throughout Proverbs, cautiousness is emphasized.  Proverbs 16:23 says, “the heart of the wise makes his speech judicious . . .” (16:23). To be “judicious” means to be careful or thoughtful. We should take time to think before we speak. Ever heard that before? There’s a reason it’s a popular saying because it’s at the core of godly speech.
Our goal must not be to simply state what we think! “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion” (18:2). Oh, the wisdom of listening. Some have transformed their speech by having seasons where they “fast” from words. Some spouses have turned around their communication by deciding to ask what their significant other thinks, rather than simply pouring out their own thoughts.  
Even where we want or need to persuade others, careful speech is the way to go! Or as Proverbs says, “with patience a ruler may be persuaded . . .” (25:15). Cautiousness in speech is a habit to be developed, but we can be encouraged that the goal is possible. Many have done it, with Christ’s help!  
1.      Take some time to think about your speech – are your words too little or too many? Ask God to show you if you need to make any specific adjustments, in any specific setting.

2.      Is there someone that you need to influence right now, or get a message across to? This can be a good thing, but HOW we do it really matters. Ask God to give you wisdom on the HOW. What words? When? What should you NOT say? (this can be very wise to figure out ahead of time)