Saturday, February 26, 2011

Foundations Feb 27, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011


2 Corinthians 7:4b (NIV); I am greatly encouraged; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds.

What a statement! Paul took great joy in seeing the spiritual growth of the churches. If anyone knew trouble and suffering, it was Paul. In 2 Corinthians 11 he lists many trials he had to endure, coming close to death on numerous accounts! Yet he was able to say with certainty that his joy was unending. If only we had such joy, how different we would be! So many of us live in fluctuation; moving from a rare place of ecstasy, down into the dumps, and then up to our most consistent mood of “blah.” 
If we, living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, feel so frequently unsatisfied, however did Paul, a man martyred for his faith, find such a real and lasting joy? As we’ve already seen this month, Paul found great joy in living a life of total surrender to Jesus, counting everything else as rubbish in comparison. But out of that, Paul was able to find joy in other things, namely, the church. He truly loved watching others grow in their love and commitment to the Lord. He loved to see others excel in ministry and develop in maturity. Did Paul experience pleasures? We can assume he did. Surely he enjoyed times of laughter and fellowship. Paul could enjoy the times of rest and relationship, but that did not alter his joy in the hard times when he had nothing to hold to but Christ.

1)   What things make you happy? What thing makes you feel the most blissful and at rest? What things make you unhappy? What are the key things that have the power to turn your attitude sour?
2)   Are you able to find joy in watching others? Spend some time in thanksgiving. Think of different people who you know are serving in the church and thank God for their talents. Worship Him through their service.
3)   Ask God what stands in the way of you being consistently joyful. Confess as necessary. Meditate on Paul’s words above and ask the Holy Spirit to show you where and how you can find a joy that knows no bounds.