Monday, February 7, 2011

Foundations Feb 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

END TIMES READING PLAN: Revelation 12-13

Galatians 1:10 (ESV); For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

This verse seems to suggest that there is a discrepancy in trying to please man and serve God at the same time. To “please” has been expressed as “accommodating oneself to the opinions, desires and interest of others.” But “servant” (or “bondslave”) has been used to describe “one who gives himself up to another’s will; those whose service is used by Christ in extending and advancing his cause among men.” We will not be able to give ourselves up entirely to the will of God and the cause of the gospel if we are also trying to accommodate ourselves to the opinions and desires of others.
This is not to say that we should cast others aside. Scripture is full of “one another” verses - love one another, honor, instruct, spur, and encourage one another. In fact, these things will be natural when we give ourselves up to the will of God! However, we must keep ourselves and our motives in check, that the One we are living for is none other than Christ. Any other pursuit, be it other people or ourselves, will only lead to disappointment.

1)   Do you find that you are constantly striving to please others in order to receive recognition and thanks? Ask God to show you what your motives are for how you treat others. Are you kind out of love for God, or out of your own needs for approval?
2)   As you meditate on Paul’s words above, ask God to reveal to your head and your heart the discrepancy between trying to please man and serve God.
3)   Spend some time dreaming with the Lord. He has a specific plan for you in His Kingdom. How would you like to see God’s Kingdom advance? How would you love to be a part of this advancement? What would you love to be able to do for the Lord?
4)   Ask the Holy Spirit to speak into these things. Ask Him what it looks like for you to live as a wholehearted servant for God – one who gives him/herself up to the will of God, and whose service is used for Christ in extending and advancing his cause among men.