Genesis 1:26a-27 (ESV); Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female
he created them.
We bear the image of our Creator. This is a staggering truth if only we take the time to meditate
on it. Yahweh – the God who created the world and conquered death – made us as a reflection
of Himself! Unfortunately many of us are poor images of our Creator, reflections out of dirty
mirrors. But we were meant to be great reflections of God’s character!
If we could only understand this and clean off the grime that is keeping us from displaying
God’s image, our lives could be such a great testament to those around us! Just as creation
is made to praise God and speak forth His glory and knowledge, we are created to display the
glory and fullness of God. Understanding this should cause us to take greater responsibility
for our words and actions. Understanding this should cause us to look at others with a much
greater level of love and respect.
Too often we make others in our own image, judging them for their thoughts and actions. We
compare them to us. If the comparison puts us to shame, we come up with some reason to
push them off their pedestal. If the comparison glorifies us, we think less of them. Neither of
these describes people as they are: human beings fearfully and wonderfully made in the image
of a loving God. Let us strip ourselves of pride and see the truth of God’s imprint on humanity!
1. Ask God to show you areas where you are being a positive reflection of His character and
Ask God to reveal areas where you are damaging His image through your actions, thoughts
and words. Confess these things.
2. Ask God to show you areas of judgment in your life. Be specific as to who you judge and
what you think about them. Confess your pride, and ask God to give you a true understanding
of who they are as people made in His image.
3. Meditate on this truth that you are made in God’s image. What does this mean to you? What
is God asking of you in this regard?