Sunday, February 12, 2012

Foundations February 13, 2012

History Books in 90 Days: 2 Chronicles 25-27
Colossians 3:17 (ESV);
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Sometimes we long for God to call us to BIG things. We see incredible leaders in the church or in
business and we wish God would just get on our page and call us to greatness, too.

The fact is, God does call us all to greatness, but greatness might look different in His eyes than
ours. God wants humble servants. Some people can humbly serve Him from a platform in front of
thousands, but others would be destroyed by the platform. They would look great to the world but
God would see the underlying motives of the heart and their service would be of little value to Him.

Whatever we are doing, it is to be done for the sake of Christ. Joseph learned this lesson through
much suffering. He learned humble service in the dungeons of Egypt before He was made great in
the eyes of man. And when he was finally promoted to a position beyond his wildest dreams for all
to see, he remained great in the eyes of the Lord because He had a heart of true humility.

What God finds great is when we choose Him over ourselves. When we step up to His challenge
and choose to obey even when it costs us something is true victory. Maybe God is telling you to
be brave and talk to someone that you see every day but have never spoken to. When you feel
nervous but choose to say “hello” God is pleased. Maybe God’s been telling you to up your giving.
When you write that cheque in faith even though it is difficult, you are honouring God. Do not
despise the little steps. God is calling you to greatness RIGHT NOW!


1. Ask God what His steps towards greatness are for you today. What is difficult about these
steps? Intentionally choose to apply Colossians 3:17 to your decisions today.
2. Ask God to show you areas of obedience in your life that He is very pleased about. Ask Him to
tell you His feelings.
3. Do you find yourself jealously longing for the positions that others hold? If so, bring your
feelings honestly before God and ask Him to give you His perspective of greatness.