Thursday, February 2, 2012

Foundations February 3, 2012

History Books in 90 Days: 1 Chronicles 25-27
Mark 8:34-35 (NIV);
Then He called the crowd to Him along with His disciples and said: “If anyone
would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever
wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me and for the gospel will save it.”

We are told to get equipped for ministry so that we can SERVE. The words of John the Baptist
were interesting when he said of Jesus, “He must become greater; I must become less.” (John
3:30) Jesus was indeed greater – infinitely so – but His greatness was attained without grandeur.
Jesus was the greatest servant, laying down all of His rights for the sake of sinful man. Jesus
demonstrated that greatness in the Father’s kingdom is entirely contrary to the greatness of earthly

We have been given the lens of Christ, and through it we see the REAL reality. To serve, to walk in
humility, to consider others better than ourselves, to stand righteously in the face of injustice – these
things make for a glorious reward in an eternal kingdom. And when this lens is focused, one area
that is put into perspective is that of possessions. Reality TV has shown us the grotesque results
of what hoarding possessions does to a person, but perhaps if Christ was behind the camera and
turned it onto us, something just as monstrous would be revealed. For some of us, the hoarded
loot is neatly tucked away in our bank accounts, unseen to the world but very visible in the spiritual
realm. For others the plunder is in our closets or our collections or our hearts. One may have very
little to show by way of money and possessions and still be among the worst of hoarders on the
inside. It is time we become fully like the Acts church, willing to sell our possessions to help those in
need. If we cannot obediently release the fleeting things of this world, how can our love for God and
for His Kingdom ever reach its fullest potential?

1. Ask God to show you any ways that you are hoarding. Confess this to Him and ask Him how
He wants you to serve. Will you obey?
2. Ask God to give you His perspective on your money and possessions. Admit your fears to Him
and put your trust in Him.