Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Foundations February 2, 2012

History Books in 90 Days: 1 Chronicles 22-24
Ephesians 4:11-12 (NLT);
Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the
prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s
people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ.

In order to be effective ministers of the gospel, we must get equipped. It would be to his demise if a
soldier went into battle without armour and weapons. Likewise, many Christians have gone out into
the world unequipped and have shipwrecked their faith. Neglect in this area has contributed to the
statistic that 80% of youth and young adults leave the church after graduation never to return. This,
along with statistics of failing economy and increased persecution, etc, prove that if there was ever
a time to get equipped it is now! People need the gospel!
As believers we need continual learning in our walk with God, and our training and equipment for
ministry. We cannot gain a relationship with God by piggybacking on someone else’s experience.
Personal quiet time with Him, reading His Word and communicating through prayer is fundamental
for getting spiritually equipped. But being a part of the church offers a variety of other ways to quip
ourselves for effective ministry. Cell groups are an integral part of who we are as a church. It is in
a cell group where you will find community, accountability, teaching and application and fellowship.
Southland also stresses its two core retreats: Encounter God and Empower Ministers. And the
commitment to prayer and listening prayer is a tie that binds all things together. After-service prayer,
personal ministry appointments and weekend intercession all aide in equipping ministers to do
God’s work!

1. Ask God to show you the next step you need to take in getting equipped for ministry at
Southland. (Note: If you do not attend Southland, ask God how to get equipped through your
2. We are all called to minister through prayer, and it is important to pray for our local church.
School of Ministers is Southland’s discipleship school, equipping young adults to minister in
the church, workplace, home and wherever else God calls them. Spend some time praying for
the ministry of the school, for the students and for director, Chris Puhach.