Thursday, June 14, 2012

Foundations June 15, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Isaiah 48-51

And the fruit of the Spirit is… kindness…
Proverbs 31:26 (ESV) She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Proverbs 31 describes the character of a godly wife and mother. Of course not everyone who reads this fits that description, but we do all have influence, thus this description of one who teaches kindness is for us. Kindness is a disposition that will affect the things that come out of our mouth. For the Proverbs 31 woman, her method of teaching is one of demonstration. She operates and speaks out of a disposition of kindness and through this her children learn also to operate in kindness.
We need to be people who teach through our disposition. But kindness cannot be our disposition unless we ask the Holy Spirit to develop the fruit in our lives. Your disposition is your nature and your character, the thing that comes naturally to you. Kindness is not everyone’s natural disposition, and so many of us have to fight this one out in prayer before the Lord, asking that He would teach us kindness.
For the outspoken person, kindness may start by buttoning the lips and learning to think and observe before speaking. For the person who struggles with judging others, it may begin by finding something good in every individual who crosses their mind in judgement. For those steeped in anger, healing must be found in Jesus so that kindness can make its bed in their heart. Whatever your natural disposition, Jesus knows the right steps for you to cultivate the fruit of kindness.

1.  Who is someone that displays a kind disposition? What do you love about this person’s character? How have they shown you kindness?
2.  How would you describe your natural disposition? Does kindness come easily for you? Ask Jesus how He wants to make you a kind-hearted person. What is the specific step for you? (Keep in mind Southland resources such as personal prayer ministry, after-service prayer and cell groups.)
3.  How can you speak kindness over someone today? Ask God for a kindness challenge for you in regards to the things that come out of your mouth.