Monday, June 4, 2012

Foundations June 5, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Isaiah 13-16

And the fruit of the Spirit is… joy
Habakkuk 3:18 (NIV) yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.

While happiness is rather dependent upon circumstantial success and immediate pleasure, joy is a delight of the heart and mind due to an “assured approaching possession of good.” (1828 Webster’s Dictionary) As believers our joy is found in our hope, grounded in an assured future with Christ. When we recognize and rejoice in this as our end, what can steal our joy? Unhappy circumstances and major disappointments cannot – a lost job or a struggling relationship or failing health cannot shut out the hope that is our joy. Even death cannot stand in the way; essentially death for the Christian is a gateway into the realization of eternal hope!
Though there are many things that bring joy into our lives, including family and friendship and the activities we share together, our joy must be rooted in our eternal hope as Christians. This does not mean that the other things are unimportant; rather they alone are an unstable foundation for joy. Friendships shift throughout our lives, family members will fail us at times, and activities themselves will not provide deep fulfillment in life. When our joy stands upon Jesus Christ and our future in His kingdom, we will be able to remain steadfastly joyful even when friends and family disappoint. It is then that we will be able to say, as Habakkuk did, “yet I will rejoice in the Lord!”

1.  Think about the things and people that bring you joy. Is God at the centre of that joy? Think through the things you’ll be doing today that you are looking forward to. How can you keep God at the centre of these, allowing Him to be your true Source of joy?
2.  Spend some time meditating on the eternal hope that you have as a Christian. Think about Heaven – the real Kingdom where you will spend eternity with God! Ask God to fill your heart with joy in response to your future.
3.  Habakkuk’s words are quite powerful! Can you make his words your own motto? Choose that when disappointment comes your way your first response will be to say, “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD!” Think of any situations today where you need to respond like this.