Friday, June 1, 2012

Foundations June 2, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Isaiah 5-8

But the fruit of the Spirit is love…
1 Peter 1:8a (ESV) Though you have not seen Him, you love Him.

There are forms of love that anyone can have. Anyone can love those who love them. Anyone can love the things that bring them pleasure. Anyone can love someone who does something nice for them. But the fruit of love must go beyond this. It is Spirit-inspired love that we cannot conjure up on our own. It is the 1 Corinthians 13 love that always trusts, hopes and perseveres, that never gets angry or jealous, keeps no record of wrongs, is patient and kind and selfless – an unconditional love independent of circumstances.
This kind of love must begin with a revelation of God’s love for us – that while we were sinners, Christ died for us. To know that God loves you in spite of your flaws and regardless of your talents and abilities is incredibly freeing. There is nothing you can do to make God like you; He just does because you are His creation and He cares for you.
Understanding the incredible love God has for us waters the seed of love and the fruit begins to grow. And with this fruit, our love for God grows. Though we have never seen Him face-to-face, we really love Him. That is not natural! How does one love someone they’ve never physically seen or heard? This deepening love for God is nurtured by His own Spirit! And as we spend time with Him and learn the sound of His voice and the feel of His touch, we fall madly in love!

1. Think about something in your past that you are not proud of. God loved you even while you were doing that. Think about your best ability. God loves you even without that. Come before the Lord and ask God to give you a revelation of His love.
2. Ask God how He wants you to respond to His love today.
3. God is love. Write out a definition of God’s love for yourself. Then reflect upon your life: how has God made His love known to you throughout your life? Write out a prayer of thanksgiving for what He’s done.
4. We all love when someone tells us what they specifically like about us. Spend some time telling God what you love about Him. Say, “God, I love you because…” and fill in the blank.