Monday, April 1, 2013

Foundations: The Book of Ezra - Day 6

READ: Haggai 2:1-9 and Ezra 6

In the month following the people’s return to the temple work, Haggai shows up with another word from the Lord. He points out the obvious – that this temple is nothing in comparison to the magnificent temple built by Solomon. But his message is one of encouragement in the midst of this truth. Through Haggai the Lord says, “Be strong! Work, for I am with you! I remember the covenant I made with you. My Spirit remains in your midst! Do not fear!” God promises to meet His people in this temple as He did in the last. And there is a future prophecy within Haggai’s word. In light of the New Testament, the reader cannot help but think of Christ’s eternal kingdom where the Lord and the Lamb will be the temple in Jerusalem (see Rev 21:22). 

Back in Babylon, King Darius does his research and comes out in full support of the Jews’ mission to rebuild the temple. Not only does he support them vocally, he commands that they receive everything they need to reconstruct the temple, including animals for daily sacrifice! Again we see a pagan ruler being divinely used to accomplish God’s good purposes. We also see the immediate blessing that comes with obedience. The people turned from their laziness and God gave them favour. God’s faithfulness is evident here. No matter what mess His people get themselves into, He is so quick to respond to their repentance and acts of obedience.

By the 6th year of Darius’ reign, the temple is finished and the people joyfully dedicate the house of God with sacrifice and offering. The following month all Jews who had returned from the exile and all who had chosen to separate themselves from the people of the land to follow Yahweh gather together to celebrate Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The writer makes a point to declare the joyfulness of the people at this time.

1.  Our Lord is such an encourager. He is on our side, cheering us on as we follow Him. Through Haggai, He encouraged the people in the best way saying, “My Spirit remains in your midst”. God was right there with them. As believers of the New Covenant, we have the incredible blessing of the Holy Spirit in us. He is the deposit, guaranteeing what is to come (see 2 Cor 5:5). His residence in our lives guarantees the eternal fellowship we will have with the Lord when He comes to reign and we are given our resurrected bodies. How has the Holy Spirit worked in your life to make you more like Christ? Thank Him for this. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh today, to empower you for all God has for you.
2.  Doing right brings true joy. When we are walking in righteousness we do not have guilt. It feels wonderful to do good, because God is good. When we obey Him and do what is right, we are acting more like Him; there is greater unity in our relationship with Him. The people experienced this when they celebrated the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. They had spent four years obeying God’s call to rebuild the Temple, and now they were finally able to practice the most celebrated festival, remembering God’s deliverance out of Egypt. When have you experienced the true joy of obedience and goodness? Are you walking in this freedom today? If not, ask the Lord to help you do right today. Ask Him to help you respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.