Thursday, April 25, 2013

Foundations: Genesis (Part Two) - Day 2

Read: Genesis 28
This chapter starts off immediately from where the previous left off.  Rebekah sees the need for Jacob to leave because of the anger of Esau, so she comes up with a plan.  She suggests to Isaac that Jacob take a wife from her relatives.  Isaac agrees that this is a good idea and sends Jacob to his mother’s relatives to find a wife.  Before Jacob leaves Isaac gives him the blessing of Abraham (v. 4).  This time Jacob receives the blessing on purpose with his father fully knowing whom he was giving it to.  When Esau heard that Jacob had gone to Paddan Aram to find a wife, he realized how displeasing it was that he had married pagan women.  He saw how marrying a relative of Abraham was a better choice so he took another wife from the line of Ishmael.  His intentions were good but he still hadn’t figured out God’s ways.  Ishmael was not to inherit Abraham’s promise.  Esau was trying hard but it was too late and he still missed the mark.  His offspring with this woman would not be part of the divine promise.  He did all of this to desperately try to please his father, not to please the Lord. 
On his way to Haran, Jacob had an interesting dream about a staircase reaching to heaven and angels ascending and descending on it (v. 12).  Above the staircase was the Lord who spoke, passing on the blessing of Abraham to Jacob.  God gave Jacob and his descendants the land which Jacob was lying on (v. 13).  He promises to bless all nations through Jacob’s offspring, a foreshadowing of the Messiah (v. 14).  God then promises to be with Jacob, to watch over him and bring him back to this land.  God will do what He says He will do (v. 15)!  The primary purpose of this dream was to show the sovereignty of God by which he watches and regulates all things on earth and to confirm the covenant with Jacob. 
When Jacob awoke he knew that something divine had happened.  He took the stone that was his pillow and set it up as a pillar (v. 18) and called the place Bethel (v. 19).  Then Jacob made a vow and acknowledged for the first time that the God of Abraham and Isaac was his God.  The full acknowledgement would come only after his safe return from Haran.  He also pledges to give God a tenth of all that God gives him. 
God established a regular tithe in order to provide for those who devote their lives to ministry and therefore cannot provide for themselves in the marketplace.  Being instituted by God Himself it can be seen as reasonable to devote a portion of our earthly goods to those who give of their time, talents and strength to watch over, labour for and instruct people in spiritual things.  Without the regular tithe of the people of the church how else is the church to pay its bills?  The church should not have to beg for money - the people of the church should willing give to the place where they are fed and where they experience godly fellowship. 

Prayer and Journaling
1.   Esau took a wife from the line of Ishmael in order to please his father, without inquiring of the Lord.  It’s easy to be hard on Esau but in reality, many people struggle with people pleasing.  It is God we are to please, not man.  Ask the Lord to show you a recent example of when you made a decision or a maybe even a comment in order to please someone rather than God.  Dialogue with God about this.  Ask Him to show you what motivates you to please people in this way?  What is the root of this behaviour?  Then pray through what He shows you. 
2.   The primary purpose of Jacob’s dream was to show the sovereignty of God by which He watches and regulates all things on earth and to affirm the covenant with Jacob.  God is in control!  This is a good thing because we can trust Him, His love and His faithfulness.  He brings His purposes to completion.  All things are under God’s rule and control and nothing happens without His direction or permission.  Praise and thank God for these things.  Ask Him to impress these truths deeper on your heart and to grow you in a firm resolve to trust and follow Him.   
3.   God meets with and reveals Himself to His followers.  God is a relational God!  We have so much to thank and praise Him for in this regard.  Ask God to show you areas in your life where He has met and revealed Himself to you!  Praise and thank Him for these things.