Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Foundations: Psalms (Part 3) - Day 10

READ: Psalms 120-125

In Psalm 120 we find a prayer for a pure tongue. The Psalmist asks the Lord to guard him from lying and deceitfulness. Lying is condemned in the ninth commandment. Yet, among all the commandments, it is rarely brought up in conversation like murder or adultery or taking the Lord’s name in vain. We hate being lied to. It is degrading and humiliating to be caught lying. Yet purity of speech is one of the most difficult things to attain. The Psalmist includes deceitfulness in this prayer as well. It’s not just about the actual words said, but also the tone, and the very careful choice of words used and omitted that give the listener a very different impression than what was said. The kind of lying and deceit the Psalmist is talking about, extends to the whole of communication. He is asking the Lord for words, and tone, and communication ability that is pure and holy. He is aware his tongue can be used as a weapon and chooses to hand over its power to God in submission.

Psalm 121 describes God as our protector. He is our help. But how exactly does God help us? We are reminded of God’s position as Sovereign Creator. He made the heavens and the earth, therefore, there is nothing He doesn’t have power over which He can use for our defense. Wow, the Creator who made the heavens and earth as our defender? Incredible! And He’s always on duty. He never sleeps, He never takes His eyes off us. He covers us and makes us invisible to our enemies, even the sun and moon can’t see us when God is our Protector.

In Psalm 122:6 we are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Several times in the Bible we are told to pray for Israel, her people, or Jerusalem. The people of Israel are God’s chosen people, even still. When we are instructed to pray for Jerusalem, we can be sure we are praying God’s will. As a matter of fact, this directive comes with a blessing, that those who pray for Jerusalem will find themselves cared for and secure. Gen 12:3 lets us know God will bless those who bless the nation of Israel and whoever curses them, He will curse. This aligns perfectly with this directive in Psalm 122. After we’ve been told to pray, the Psalmist speaks to us about what to pray for:
·         Peace within their boundaries;
·         Prosperity for those who live there;
·         Security for their government;
·         For safe and peaceful relationships; and
·         For the safety (and today the restoration) of God’s holy temple in Jerusalem.

1.      Ask the Lord to speak to you about anything you have said or communicated in the last little while that was not pleasing to Him, or that was deceitful in any way. Confess your sin, then ask Him to put a guard on your lips and tongue so you will be aware of your tendency to dishonor Him before the words and tones slip out.
2.      Reflect on the image of God as your protector. How does this make you feel? Considering this total and effective protection, how does this change how you feel about enduring difficult days ahead, perhaps even persecution? Spend time thanking the Lord for His faithful protection, and ask Him to show you how to walk confidently in that truth.
3.      Spend some time praying for Israel today. Use the prayer points derived from the passage. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in additional prayer of blessing for them.