Monday, August 18, 2014

Foundations: Psalms (Part 3) - Day 16

READ: Psalm 144-145

The last paragraph of Psalm 144 is a prayer of blessing. It is a request to God for prosperity and abundance in every area. Specifically David asks the Lord for sons who will be like strong, grown-up plants even while they are still young. He asks for daughters who will be strong, wise and beautiful enough to be national leaders. He requests abundant food, and also profitable business ventures. He is bold and brazen in his request for blessings. Often, we are afraid to ask for blessings. We feel it is prideful or somehow we don’t deserve blessing so we don’t ask. Some have a hidden belief that blessing must be a surprise from God, an unexpected gift. We may believe that because it is impolite to ask a friend to give you gifts, it is also impolite to ask God to give us gifts. Yet David doesn’t hold back a bit! It is obvious to Him God blesses those who fear Him and whom He chooses to bless. David understands God’s immense love for him and counts on it.

Psalm 145 is a song of praise. God is revered from generation to generation. It is poignant to note the Psalmist is reminding us of the command to tell the stories of what God has done, to share with the next generation all the mighty acts and deeds of the Lord. This passing on of God’s wonders from one generation to the next is a serious undertaking and must not be taken lightly because this is the very way God can and will be glorified throughout the ages.

This chapter also speaks of God’s kindness. His kindness is beautiful, and draws all people to Himself. This is consistent with what we read in Romans 2:4, which says God kindness leads people to repentance. He is not a heavy-handed God who wills us to fall flat on our face and fail over and over before He’ll finally lower Himself to pick us up. No! Not at all! He is a God who stoops, and reaches, lifts and carries, gives and protects, listens and blesses because of His kindness. Anyone who has ever experienced the genuine kindness of another understands the draw there is to the kind person. This is the stance God takes with us, to overwhelm us with His kindness.

1.      Take a few moments to think through what your genuine heart desires are for yourself, your family, your career, etc. Journal and pray a prayer requesting those very things as a blessing from God. Remember we are not guaranteed to receive everything we ask for, but we can be assured God will listen and give us those things He knows will be for our benefit. James 4:2 says we don’t have because we don’t ask. The Lord is giving you permission to ask!
2.      Write down things you know God has done for your parents and grandparents, or other extended family in generations past. Ask the Lord to reveal His hand at work even if they were not serving God. Ask Him to give you spiritual eyes to see and the ability to remember those things as part of His blessing toward you. Make a point to journal at least one or two things today that God has done for you. Share this with someone in your family or extended family to ensure they see God as currently active and living and participating in the lives of people.
3.      Reread Psalm 145 and while you do write down all the things this psalm points to as acts of Kindness from God. Put a star beside those acts of kindness you have personally experienced. Spend time thanking Him for His kindness and enjoying His presence.