Monday, December 22, 2014

Foundations: First & Second Timothy - Day 5

READ: 1 Timothy 3

Housekeeping! Most of us know all about it, whether we do so ourselves or appreciate those who work hard to maintain a home. Obviously, such housekeeping requires things such a lists, organization and proper instructions. As we move into chapter 3 of 1 Timothy we find a “checklist” of housekeeping for an orderly church. Praise God that He would give us such direction. He desires for us to be able to walk wisely as we seek Him in community!

As we consider what Paul says, it doesn’t hurt to have an understanding of what the culture was like at the time that he wrote. Essentially, he is borrowing some concepts and pictures to help the early church grasp their roles and attitudes. Listen to what one author has said . . . try to read through it carefully and consider the church as you read it. “The Greco-Roman household consisted of different groups, duties and responsibilities, and in the larger ones stewards were given authority to see that each did her or his share so that the master's purposes might be achieved. The concept of household with its associated notions of interdependence, acceptable conduct and responsibility was so strong that Paul could borrow it to illustrate the nature of the church. It too, both then and now, is made of different groups (men and women from every level of society, parents and children, employers and employees) who must depend upon and, in love, serve one another.”

Paul starts this passage off with direction; He specifically points it at overseers (pastors/ church leaders/cell leaders). A leader must first lead himself before he can lead a church, and Paul is reminding Timothy of that. Although as we read his specific instructions we may wonder – what a high standard! - we are all better off if our leaders hold to them. Anyone can aspire to lead in some sense and try to live them out. Learning to lead yourself is the benchmark of all good leaders. Renewal begins within!

1.       Although we are not all in the position of “overseer” (whether in church, at work or at home), we can work toward becoming people who “desire this noble task” (v.1). Read over the list mentioned in vs. 2-3. Is there an area that you need to improve in?
2.       Ask the Holy Spirit to show you one area that you have improved in already. Think of the process He took you to get to this improvement. Spend time marvelling at how He has worked in you! Our past growth can be an encouragement that He will bring to completion the work He has begun.
3.       Households work together! Doing things together can be wonderful, and at times, difficult. Spend time today thanking God for those of your “household” – whether that be at home, work, cell, or church overall.