Thursday, December 11, 2014

Foundations: Matthew - Day 23

READ: Matthew 22

The greatness of what’s to come is highlighted by Jesus’ use of an extravagant wedding banquet to illustrate the glory of His coming kingdom! This picture should give us much hope and expectancy. Think of the joy of a wedding! Think of the incredible anticipation of a bride and groom. Jesus is trying to stir in us a desire to look ahead, but also something else . . .

Jesus is also trying to get us ready! With the picture of this great banquet in our minds, we are humbled by the reality that, “many are invited, but few are chosen.” It should humble us also that it is normal stuff like a field and a business that keeps people from being ready. Jesus is asking us – “do you have your wedding clothes on?” There’s some debate over what this means, but let’s keep this simple – the best way to be ready is to walk in a close relationship with Jesus! This is the kind of bride that will spend eternity with Him.

After Jesus concludes His teaching, the opposition that He has faced continues with full force. However, His wisdom and determination far exceed any attempt by others to trap, fool or stump Him. He is SO great! He handles a question about taxes by asserting that there are responsibilities to both God & the governments of this world. He also points us to the resurrection and the reality that the future will be quite different, though incredible! He then responds to the “test” of a Pharisee by elevating the two commandments to love God with all your heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. Finally, He declares His uniqueness by suggesting that His identity includes, “Lord”.

What is the response of Jesus’ questioners after He handles all of their attacks and inquiries? We are told by Matthew – “no one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.”

1.       Think about what a wedding all involves. The decorations, the pictures, the laughter, the joy, the ceremony, the vows, the anticipation, the formality, the food. Praise God for the greatness of what’s to come upon His return! Praise Him that entry into this kingdom is possible because of His grace. Praise Him for calling you to come to Him!
2.       Spend some time asking God on whether there is anything in your life – any stuff, any relationships – that would cause you to miss out on this great banquet to come? We shouldn’t assume that past prayers or commitments are enough? Do we have our “wedding clothes” on today?
3.       Jesus displays His wisdom as He responds to many questions and attacks. What do you need wisdom on right now? Ask Jesus to speak to you about any such challenges or questions.