Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Foundations: Matthew - Day 22

READ: Matthew 21

In chapter 21 we are told that Jesus begins to get closer to Jerusalem, and to His eventual death. What must Jesus have been feeling at this point? What were his disciples thinking? What was going on in the spiritual realm? One thing we do know is that prophecy was being fulfilled! Throughout Matthew, the OT is quoted many times. During Jesus’ final days, the Holy Spirit is quick to communicate to the early believers and to us that God’s redemptive plan is being carried out through the life of Jesus. Only the spiritually dull would miss it. 

What is the proper response to God’s work? Chapter 21 emphasizes praise! The people shout, “Hosanna!”, as Jesus enters Jerusalem. Even from children, God has “ordained praise”. This praise is in direct contrast to the religious leaders that question Jesus, including His authority. Jesus directly challenges them this time – with His own questions and with the parable of the two sons and of the tenants. Jesus is saying to them – “you should be praising me and what is happening! Especially you who know the Scriptures! But instead, you who showed so much zeal originally – ‘I will sir, but he did not go’ – you who I gave the land to take care of, you are the one who is ready to kill me.” It should be very humbling to us, brothers and sisters, that it was the religious who weren’t ready for God’s work. Let’s seek to get His heart for the days to come and praise Him!

In this chapter Jesus also deals with the temple and with a fig tree, symbolical of Israel’s lack of fruit. The temple was a place of incredible importance for the Jews! And it has been turned into a place of sin! The place of God’s presence was defiled! And the fruitfulness of Israel was striking and worthy of judgment. However – and this is VITAL to note – hope is given with Jesus’ statement to the disciples that with faith, displayed through prayer, changes can take place. To them and perhaps to us, judgment may seem to take an inevitable course. For sure, some things are inevitable! Nevertheless, when we turn to Jesus in faith and prayer, much impact can be had. Again, we repeat, hope is given!

1.       Spend some imagining what Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem would have been like. Imagine what all participants, including Jesus, would’ve felt. Spend some time praising Jesus for His determination and for His love. Praise Him for His everlasting kindness and for His power. Nothing could stop Him!
2.       The religious leaders sadly were the ones who most often opposed Jesus. Here’s an important question to ask – do we understand the prophecies about the future? Are we ready to cooperate with God’s plan? Let’s ask Him to search our hearts – is there anything in us that would cause us to do anything but praise Him and follow Him?
3.       Jesus speaks of the power of faith and prayer. Ask God to give you some “prayer assignments” – things that you can pray for, mountains that can moved. Not everything is “set in stone”. God wants to use us!