Monday, July 4, 2011

Foundations July 5, 2011

New Testament Reading Plan: 2 Thessalonians 1-3
Read: John 8:1-11

Today’s’ devotional is about the adulterous woman. Notice from this passage of scripture,
that Jesus saved the woman from her sins! This woman is a new disciple, a new follower
of Jesus. After Jesus saves her, he gives her a very valuable piece of advice. Now, if you
had only one piece of advice to give to a new Christian, what would it be? When you’re
discipling a new believer what is one of the main things you should disciple them in? If you
were in Jesus’ shoes, here, what would you tell this woman? Many of us would teach her
about her identity in Christ, others would tell her about how much God loves her but this is
not Jesus’ advice. He tells her in verse 11 “Go now and leave your life of sin”. Now this is
Jesus, the Son of God. We’re supposed to be like Him. We’re supposed to be emulating and
copying Him – and one of His primary discipleship goals was to get people to stop sinning!
Somewhere along the way we have lost our way as Christians here in North America, we’ve
lost sight of the fact that one of the core components of being a Christian is that you leave
your life of sin. Christianity is not an insurance policy by which you get Jesus in your heart,
so that you can love the world while you’re here on earth and then go to heaven when you’re
done. No! One of the primary components of becoming a Christian is that you leave your life
of sin.

1. Spend some time thanking the Lord for His forgiveness of your sins. Thank Him for not
condemning us when we repent but for forgiving us every single time!
2. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you are balanced in your discipleship of others. Do
you tell people about the love of God without letting them about the components of
repentance and obedience?
3. Pray that Christians would see the importance of warning people of the consequences
of their sins. Pray for genuine compassion and love for people that lead us to share
with them the truths about scripture. Pray that we won’t fear man and only tell them the
easy stuff but that we would fear God and tell people the whole truth.