Monday, February 11, 2013

Foundations: The Acts of the Apostles - Day 12

Read Acts 11

Peter’s fellowship with Gentiles didn’t go unnoticed (v. 1-3). The believers in Jerusalem met him with opposition. Peter, knowing that he had obeyed God, recounted the events. He told of how God had spoken to him and how the Gentiles in Cornelius’ household had put their faith in Jesus. He spoke of the confirming sign from God: the Holy Spirit had fallen on the members of Cornelius’ household just as it had fallen on the Jewish believers (v. 4-14). This signified that God was as pleased with Gentile believers as He was with Jewish ones (v. 15-17). The other believers’ reaction here is astounding. They showed no pride or resistance to God. Rather than clinging to tradition, they rejoiced that the Gospel was now available to more people (v. 18). After the story of Peter’s encounter with the Gentiles is resolved, the focus shifts. We are reminded that the Gospel was going forth in various places. Particular note is given to the believers in Antioch (v. 21). The church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to encourage and train them (v. 22-24). Barnabas and Saul spent a year teaching and discipling the church at Antioch (v. 25-26). We are given two pieces of information that indicate that the church at Antioch was healthy. The Holy Spirit’s approval is displayed by the fact that the Christians were prophesying accurately (v. 27-28). Further, the believers’ character is displayed through their generosity and desire to use their resources to advance the kingdom (v. 29-30).

Journaling and Prayer
1.   The believers in Jerusalem were willing to accept the Word of God, even when it meant they would have to completely change their worldview. Are you willing to accept whatever God has to say, regardless of the cost? Willingness to listen and obey is a key sign that Jesus is functional Lord over your life. If there are any areas of your life that you are not willing to lay down if God were to so lead you, confess this to God. Ask for His help in submitting yourself wholeheartedly to Him.
2. The church at Antioch is noted for their generosity. If someone were to write your autobiography would they purposefully mention that you are generous? Ask God if there are any practical ways He wants you to submit your giving to His leadership.
3.  Pray for pastors in our country. Godly leadership is key to having a functioning, healthy church. Pray that their devotional lives would flourish and that they would grow in knowledge and understanding of God. Pray that, as they get to know God intimately, they would be changed by His love. Pray that God would speak clearly to them about how to disciple their congregations.