Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Foundations: The Acts of the Apostles - Day 6

The second section in Acts 5 narrows the focus from the Church as a whole to the life of the apostles. The apostles were held in high regard by the community (v. 13). This is partly because of the miracles they performed in Jesus’ name. We see here that people would even bring their sick loved ones into the streets in hopes that they might be touched by Peter’s shadow and healed (v. 15). Crowds gathered seeking physical healing and freedom from demonic possession (v. 16). These miracles served to provide evidence of Jesus Christ (v. 14). After describing these miracles, Acts 5 tells us about the apostles’ persecution. The religious leaders were jealous of the apostles, so the high priest and his associates arrested them (v. 17-18). But God was their ultimate judge. During the night He sent an angel to release the apostles, directing them to continue to preach the gospel (v. 19-20). Naturally, the high priest and his associates didn’t like this, so they went to retrieve the apostles (v. 21-27). They ordered the apostles to stop preaching about Jesus. The apostles’ response displayed stunning love and obedience for Jesus. All they said was, “We must obey God rather than men!” (v.29). God is sovereign. The apostles hadn’t used clever words to defend themselves. Because of this trust, God used a Pharisee named Gamaliel to convince the religious leaders to let the apostles go (v. 33-40). This instance of persecution failed to damper the apostles’ zeal. They continued to preach Jesus daily, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer for His name (v. 41-42)!

Journaling and Prayer
1.  God’s ultimate goal is relationship. Look at your own life. Have the blessings you’ve received led you into deeper relationship with God or have they led you to reject God in favour of independence? Confess as necessary. Ask God to speak to you about His heart for blessing people.
2.  The apostles REJOICED because they suffered for Jesus! Why do you think they rejoiced over suffering? Write down anything that comes to mind. Ask God to help you understand this truth. Pray that you would grow in your ability to rejoice in sufferings.
3.  Pray for universities. They are known to discriminate against and condemn Christians, whether in a hidden, subtle way or overtly. Pray for boldness for Christian students, teachers and administrators. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower them to preach the Gospel. Pray that people hearing this message of Jesus would have soft, receptive hearts. Pray that Christians in universities would rejoice in suffering for Jesus’ name.