Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Foundations: The Acts of the Apostles - Day 20

Read Acts 19:1-22

After travelling through Galatia and Phrygia, Paul continued on to Ephesus (v. 1). When he arrived he met a group of believers who had an incomplete picture of the gospel. They knew about repentance, but didn’t have a full understanding of Jesus or the Holy Spirit (v. 3-4). Upon hearing a full explanation, the men placed their faith in Jesus and received the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by them speaking in tongues and prophesying (v. 5-6). Paul then entered the Ephesian synagogue, where he spent three months boldly teaching about the kingdom of God (v. 8). When a group in the synagogue began slandering the Christian faith, Paul and his followers left (v. 9). Over the course of two years, God used Paul to work many miracles and spread the Gospel to every single person in Ephesus (v. 10-12). The believers in Ephesus were given a wake-up call when the seven sons of Sceva were confronted by a demon (v. 13-16). This event led to a move of holiness throughout the region. Believers confessed their hidden sins (18) and people who practiced witchcraft burned their scrolls. The total monetary value of these scrolls equaled 50,000 days’ wages (v. 19). A person working six days a week would have had to work over 160 years straight to earn this amount! At face value these people gave up an astounding amount to follow Jesus. However, the value of eternal life and forgiveness is immeasurably more than what they gave up.

Journaling and Prayer
1.  Having perfect theological knowledge is not the path to salvation, but as we see here it is important to think correctly about God. It has been said that what we think about God is the most important thing about who we are. Our thoughts affect our actions. Is there anything about God or the Christian faith that you don’t understand? Spend some time thinking and praying about that area today. Ask God to speak to you about it. Commit to studying what the Bible says about that topic, reading books on it (our church library has a great selection) and/or asking mature, godly believers about it.
2.   When we intentionally rid ourselves of sin, it allows the word of God to spread and grow in power (v. 20). Every believer and community could use more of God’s word and His power! Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart for any hidden sin. Confess this to God and repent of it. If this sin has been a longstanding problem and you’ve confessed it before with no success, confess it to a mature, godly believer. You may also consider setting up an appointment for Personal Prayer Ministry at Southland.
3.   Pray for churches in Canada. Pray that we would grow in their knowledge of and intimacy with Jesus. Pray that God would replace wrong thinking with thinking based on biblical truth. Ask God to show Christians in our country the importance of genuine repentance. Ask God to teach us about the value of laying down everything to follow Him. Pray that, even as you read this, people in our country would reach a point of total submission to Jesus. Imagine entering heaven one day and coming across a person who is there Jesus because of your prayers today! It is possible!