Thursday, February 21, 2013

Foundations: The Acts of the Apostles - Day 22

Read Acts 20

We often picture Paul as a lone wolf, moving about independently, focused only on preaching the gospel. This is not a complete picture. Paul loved people. His life revealed the truth that people who love God wholeheartedly also love people wholeheartedly. Paul could not have completed his mission without a deep love for people. After the riot in Ephesus Paul encouraged the local believers, then moved on to Macedonia and Greece (v. 1-2). Paul wasn’t alone in his work. He had several companions who worked alongside him (v. 4-5). On his last night at Troas, Paul spoke through the night, wanting to teach and strengthen the believers as much as possible while he was there (v. 7). While Paul was speaking, a tragedy happened. A young man named Eutychus fell asleep, tumbled out of a third story window and died (v. 9). Paul immediately ran to Eutychus and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, raised him from the dead (v. 10-11). While travelling from Troas, Paul sent for the elders from Ephesus (v. 17). Paul reminded them of how he had served God in Ephesus (v. 18-21). Paul then shared his heart with them. He had been prompted by the Holy Spirit to go to Jerusalem (v. 22). He he knew that prison and hardships were awaiting him (v. 23), yet he was not afraid or hesitant (v. 24). Paul finished by encouraging and warning the Ephesian elders (v. 25-31). He wanted to strengthen them to lead the church well and prepare them for the attacks of the enemy. The end of Acts 20 gives us a peak into a very tender moment (v. 36-38). These men were friends saying their final goodbyes. They had spent many hours together teaching, praying, eating and fellowshipping. They had laboured together for years to see God’s kingdom advance. It is likely that Paul himself had directly led some of these men to Christ. They would have been eternally grateful to him.

Journaling and Prayer
1.  God created us for community. Every believer needs friends, mentors, and people to disciple. Our culture places a high value on individualism, which often hampers fellowship. Ask God to show you any ways you have valued independence over community. Ask God for a practical step you can take today to grow in community.
2.  Ask God to show you his heart for community. Why do we need relationships? What are the benefits of community?
3.  Pray for cells in our church. Pray that cells would grow in fellowship as they seek God together. Pray that individuals would learn to better love and support the people in their cells. Pray for wisdom, vision and creativity for cell leaders. Pray that God would give leaders His heart for the people in their cells.