The Purpose of Parables
Read: Matthew 13:10-17
The third discourse in Matthew is found in chapter 13 and is comprised of several parables. Division,
and the problem of how some could reject Jesus’ message while others responded, are the underlying
themes of this chapter. Today’s verses are crucial for the understanding of this chapter as they set out
the division between the enlightened disciples and the unresponsive crowd. They represent a private
conversation between Christ and His disciples. Jesus understood that some of His hearers would be
unable to grasp His message. So why use a cryptic form of teaching rather than a plain statement?
The Greek word for parable translates to proverb, riddle and wise sayings as well as the word
parable. Speaking in parables is therefore mysterious and requires careful interpretation. To know
the truth about the Kingdom of Heaven is to know God’s secrets. God’s truth comes only through
revelation, not by natural insight. Only those to whom it has been given by God can understand the
nature of God’s Kingdom proclaimed by Jesus. To those who are hostile to the Kingdom of God or
merely curious, parables are simply stories. Yet to those who have the capacity to receive them, the
secrets of God’s Kingdom can be grasped. Jesus alludes to the prophet Isaiah’s message (see Isaiah
6:9-10) which describes Israel’s failure to respond to the prophet’s message. Jesus sees Himself
in a similar prophetic role, meeting a similar unresponsiveness in those of His hearers who are not
disciples. This makes the use of parable an appropriate teaching method. Anyone can hear but only
a disciple can understand. In verses 16-17, Jesus speaks blessing on His disciples since they share
the privilege of seeing what Jesus does. The key thing to remember is that natural insight is not
enough, spiritual enlightenment is necessary to comprehend the Scriptures.
1. Pray that the Lord would grow you in receiving His revelation as you read the Scriptures. That
the Holy Spirit would speak to you and give you understanding as you spend time in the Word.
2. Pray that as a church we would grow in maturing in this area. That we would be a church that
goes deep into the Word of God, a church that is not satisfied with scratching the surface.
3. Pray for our pastors and our teachers. Pray that they would continue to receive revelation from
the Holy Spirit as they read the Word and meditate on it. Pray that they would be given greater
authority in preaching the Truths from God’s Word.