The Olivet Discourse
Read: Matthew 24-25
This is the fifth and final discourse in the Book of Matthew. It is often called the Olivet Discourse
because Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives (Matt. 24:3) when He spoke these words. The purpose of
this discourse is to give His disciples a prophetic overview of the events to transpire in both the near
and distant future. Its theme is the future repercussions of His ministry which includes judgment. In
Matthew 24:1-2 Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple. The disciples are curious about what
Jesus is saying and ask for a sign. Jesus then goes into the main aspects of this discourse which
teach about the End Times. He explains the birth pangs, tells of the abomination of desolation (which
was spoken of by Daniel) and then goes on to teach about the rapture and His Second Coming.
In chapter 25 we see a theme of judgment and the division of mankind. Through the use of three
parables, Jesus clearly teaches that some will prepare and be ready for His second coming and some
will not. He shows what it will mean to be ready and what the final outcome will be for those who
are ready and those who are not ready. When studying the End Times scriptures, it is important to
remember to study the whole of scripture and not just take a verse here and a verse there and come
up with a doctrine. These two chapters are best studied along with the books of Daniel, Revelation,
2 Thessalonians and other End Times passages. The focus of these devotionals is to mediate on
Christ’s teachings in the book of Matthew therefore we will only be able to brush the surface of the
End Times teaching. Feel free to access other End Times resources on the church website.
1. How do you feel about the End Times? Does it scare you a bit? Ask the Lord to show you any
fears that you may have about the End Times?
2. Now ask the Lord to show you how He is in control of all the events of the End Times and to give
you a word, thought or picture about His Sovereignty.
3. Pray that over the next few days, as you read and study the Olivet Discourse, that your heart
would be opened to receive Truth from the Scriptures and that you would be ready to embrace
fully God’s plan for the End Times.