Hidden Treasure and Pearls
Read: Matthew 13:44-46
In Jesus time valuables such as coins or jewels were often put in a jar and hidden in the earth
therefore discoveries of such treasure were a favorite theme of popular stories. The point of the
hidden treasure parable is the joy that the man feels when he finds the treasure and his willingness
to give up everything else for this. The treasure the man finds is the Kingdom of Heaven. The true
disciple will give up much for the greater joy of walking in relationship with Christ.
The message of the parable of the pearl is similar. Pearls were highly valued in the ancient world for
the fantastic prices they could fetch. The key to this parable is understanding that eternal salvation
and the freedom from sin and its consequences should be sought after above all things and prized
beyond all that God has made. In this parable the merchant does four things: seeks, finds, sells and
buys. This merchant is different than the one who accidentally found the treasure in the field. In this
case there is seeking involved. His mind is engaged and his energies are thrown into it. He knew
what He was seeking; there was a purpose behind his actions. He wasn’t searching for something
that was common like a brick or a stone but rather he was seeking fine pearls and he sought them
with diligence. Eventually the man found a pearl that was of great value and he sold all that he had
that he might buy it. He was resolved that he would have that pearl, even if it meant that he had to
let all the little pearls that he owned go. It is a grand thing when the Christian finds that all they want
is Christ and he/she must have Him, at any price, whatever it may cost! This merchant sold out for
Christ and bought the pearl because he knew what a great bargain it was.
1. What are some of the things that you have given up for the greater joy of knowing Jesus? Are
you experiencing the fullness of joy that is available to you as His disciple? Ask the Lord to
increase your joy as you follow Him and seek to do His will.
2. In what ways have you been seeking the Lord with diligence? Ask the Lord to speak to you
about this, to give you a word, thought or picture about the pleasure that this brings Him.
3. Pray that more and more people in the church would see the value of seeking God with
diligence. Pray that they would be motivated to keep pressing in and that they would have great
joy in their walk with God.