Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Foundatoins May 10, 2012

Instructions for Missions
Read: Matthew 10:16-23

Verse sixteen serves to introduce the theme of persecution. The disciples are sheep in the midst of
wolves and are in constant danger therefore they must depend on the Shepherd. Their vulnerable
positions demand that they be wise and pure. This balance will enable Christians to both survive
and fulfill their mission to the world. Jesus assumes that His disciples will meet with rejection and
persecution. Do you find it interesting that He gives instruction for their response when they meet
up with opposition or persecution but He doesn’t instruct them on how to deal with the converts of
a successful mission? Jesus warns them of the possibility of trials before governors in verse 19,
which would have naturally terrified the disciples. But in this section He tells them not to be anxious
but rather to listen to the Holy Spirit. He promises them that God will inspire their speech. This
provides us with an excellent reason to practice listening in prayer regularly. The time may come
when we must be able to Hear God in order to survive in our troubled times. Practicing hearing
God’s voice now is a necessity for when tough times come and we need to know His voice and
be able to hear Him correctly. Notice how verse 21 suggests that there is the possibility of there
being social disorder within the family unit. Following Christ is not for the faint of heart. In verse 22
Jesus says that people will actually hate believers because of Him. Have we believed wrongly that
the Gospel brings peace? Yes, peace between God and man but not necessarily peace between
man and man. Jesus encourages the disciples to endure and stand firm until the end. The hatred
that is for His namesake will cause rejection. Yet the disciples are commended to faithfully hold
on through it all. Jesus concludes by making reference to His second coming in verse 23. As
believers there is much in these verses that still hold true today. We are to be on guard, listen to
the Holy Spirit, stand firm and wait for His second coming. We have not been left alone, He has
told us what is to come and if we are careful to prepare, we will be ready for His return.

1. Spend some time thanking the Lord for the preparation time that He is giving us to get ready
for coming persecutions. He is a Good Shepherd who cares for us!
2. Ask the Lord to show you ways in which He wants you to prepare, guard, listen to the Holy
Spirit, stand firm and wait for His second coming. Ask Him to show you specific, practical
3. Spend some time praying for our church, that it would rise up and prepare our country for His
second coming.