Sunday, May 20, 2012

Foundations May 21, 2012

Parable of the Vineyard Workers
Read: Matthew 20:1-16

In this parable we see some interesting business practices. The age was one where there was no
unemployment insurance or no government security programs and no worker’s unions to protect the
labourer. An employer could literally do whatever he chose with what belonged to him. The point of
the parable is that God’s generosity transcends human ideas of fairness. No one receives less than
they deserve but some receive far more. But His generosity is offset by the natural resentment of
those who received only a fair wage. Jealousy ensues! Yet God’s grace to the undeserving should be
a cause for joy, not for jealousy. God’s standards are not those of strict reward for services rendered
therefore none of us can claim a right to His goodness. Jesus just said in Matthew 19:30 that the first
will be last and the last first. The rewards God gives are not calculated from the viewpoint of human
justice therefore they sometimes look unfairly generous. Most Christians feel sorry for the person in
this parable who worked all day and earned the same amount as the people who worked only a few
hours. Through this parable, Jesus is revealing how loveless and unmerciful we basically are. God
is good and compassionate far beyond His children’s understanding. In this parable, the landowner
addressed the complaining workers gently, explaining the fairness of his actions. The labourer failed
to be thankful for his own wage because he was blinded by his self-interested lack of compassion
for his fellow worker. As Christians, let’s commit to being happy for all who enter the Kingdom.
Let’s accept all people – no matter what their background, past sins or problems. Let’s show God’s
love and goodness to each person that enters the church by being kind to them, helping them and
welcoming them into our church family.

1. Spend some time reflecting on God’s goodness towards you. In what ways has He been
generous towards you? You have not received what you deserve, you have received much
more! Thank Him for these things.
2. Are you able to be truly happy for others when good things happen to them? How do you feel
when a friend succeeds or gets a promotion? Ask the Lord to grow you in feeling joy when those
around you experience joy.
3. Pray that God would grow the church in showing mercy and compassion to people. Pray that
as a church, we would be known for lovingly accepting people no matter what their background,
past sins or problems. Pray that we would grow in showing His love and goodness to each
person that enters the church.