Sunday, January 29, 2012

Foundations January 30, 2012

History Books in 90 Days: 1 Chronicles 12-14
The Sovereignty of God

Daniel 4:35 All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing.
He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold
back His hand or say to Him: “What have you done?” (NIV)

If God rules His universe by His sovereign decrees, how is it possible for man to exercise free
choice? God has sovereignly decreed that man should be free to exercise moral choice. Man
has fulfilled this decree by making a choice between good and evil. When we choose to do evil,
we do not countervail the sovereign will of God. God has sovereignly given man limited freedom.
Man is free because God is sovereign. Both freedom and sovereignty are present here but they
do not contradict each other. God moves unhindered and undisturbed toward the fulfillment of His
eternal purposes which He purposed in Jesus Christ before the world began. In the meantime,
within the broad field of God’s sovereignty the battle between good and evil persists. God will have
His way in the end and as responsible beings we must make our choice in the midst of the present
moral situation. God had decreed the law of choice and consequences for those choices. All who
willingly commit themselves to His Son Jesus Christ in obedience of faith shall receive eternal
life and become sons of God. He has also decreed that all who love darkness and continue in
rebellion against the Him shall remain in a state of perpetual alienation and suffer eternal death.
There is freedom to negotiate the side that we want to be on but no room to negotiate the results
of that choice. By the mercy of God we may repent a wrong choice and make a right choice. We
must all choose whether we will obey the gospel or turn away in unbelief and reject His authority.
Our choice is our own, but the consequences of that choice have already been determined by the
sovereign will of God, and from this there is no appeal.

1. What are some wrong choices that you have made in your life in which God has mercifully
forgiven? Thank Him for this forgiveness.
2. Thank God for His sovereign plan of salvation and for the freedom that He gives us to choose
3. Pray that your life would inspire many people to choose Christ.