Monday, December 17, 2012

Foundations: The Gospel of John - Day 18

This chapter begins the week before Passover, one week before Jesus was to die on the cross.  At first, we see Mary of Bethany (Lazarus’ sister) anointing Jesus feet with perfume (v. 3).  Judas objected that the money should have been given to the poor (v. 4-6) but Jesus responded that it was appropriate because it was preparing Him for His upcoming burial and that such a loving act could not be performed later (v. 7-8).  The Pharisees are still plotting to kill Jesus and now they also want to kill Lazarus, because through him many believed on Jesus (v. 9-11).  The next day, Jesus enters Jerusalem and we read of the Triumphal entry (v. 13-14). 

1.   Judas wanted to sell the perfume yet the passage later reveals that Judas was a thief and was in charge of the money, helping himself to what was put into it.  We also know that Judas betrays Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.  We can clearly see how a little sin took over his entire life and how his greed and love of money had a foothold in Judas.  It wasn`t that far of a stretch for him to eventually earn a buck off of turning Jesus in to the authorities.  Ask the Lord to show you any areas where greed or money may have a foothold in your life.  Then ask Him to show you what this is doing to your relationships and your future ministry. 
2.   Read Zechariah 9:9.  This passage clearly prophecies the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem, yet John 12:16 tells us that Jesus disciples did not understand.  Jesus first coming was clearly prophesied in the Old Testament and all the prophecies were fulfilled yet many people at that time missed it.  It is the same with Jesus Second Coming; there are many Scriptures that prophesy of the End Times, yet many believers do not recognize the signs of the times.  Spend some time in prayer, asking the Lord to open your eyes to the Scriptures so that you can recognize the prophecies and relate them to what is going on in our world today.  Pray that believes would embrace the signs of the times and that they would sense the urgency and importance of repentance and living solely for Him.