Saturday, December 1, 2012

Foundations: The Gospel of John - Day 2

Read: John 1:34-51

Chapter one concludes with a description of the first disciples’ initial experiences of Jesus.  This gives us a glimpse of the nature of discipleship.  Notice how the first disciples followed in response to John’s testimony of Jesus (v. 35).  Jesus turns around and sees them following Him and questioned them.  They respond with respect, calling Him “teacher”.  Jesus shifts the initiative back to the disciples again when He answers, “come and see…”  They respond and spend the day with Him.  Notice how in the book of John Jesus is introduced as one silently walking past.  The disciples are seen as taking initiative and being willing to seek.  In verse 41 we find Andrew going to his brother Simon and bringing Him to Jesus.  It is then that Jesus speaks a prophetic name over Simon, calling him Peter, which means Rock, showing His authority.    Overall, it’s clear to see that the crucial issue in discipleship is not whether we are mature but whether we desire to “come and see…”

1.   Ordinary men sought Jesus and stayed with him throughout his ministry.  These men became the pillars of the early church but they did not start out that way.  Where are you at in your journey with God?  Ask the Lord to give you a picture of how far you’ve come. 
2.   Throughout the Gospels, Peter was anything but a rock, he was impulsive and unstable.  Yet in Acts, he becomes a pillar of the early church.  What does this tell you of Jesus and God’s grace and His ability to transform a life?  Ask Him to show you His plans for your life and what He wants to transform you into. 
3.   Spend some time in thanksgiving, praising God for the great things that He is doing in your life.