Saturday, December 22, 2012

Foundations: The Gospel of John - Day 23

Read: John 16

In this passage, Jesus is preparing the disciples for what will happen after His death and they react with grief (v. 6).  The problem is that the disciples are focusing on themselves rather than on Jesus.  Earlier Jesus mentioned that it is a blessing for Him to leave them and return to the Father.  Now He adds that He will send the Holy Spirit. The role of the Spirit is to interpret and bear witness to Jesus and His revelation of the Father (v. 12-15) who will deepen their knowledge of the Father.  The Holy Spirit will convict the world in the area of sin (v. 9), righteousness (v. 10) and judgement (v. 11).  The Holy Spirit will also enable them to grasp the teachings of Christ (v. 13) through guiding them.  The rest of the chapter directs the disciples’ attention towards what they are about to experience as a result of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.  Soon their grief will be turned to joy (v. 16-21) using the illustration of a woman who experiences pain in childbirth.  They will see Him again (v. 22) and enter into a new level of intimacy in their relationships with Him and the Father (v. 23-28).  The disciples respond with an affirmation of faith (v. 29-30) but it is premature for they do not know what lies ahead.  Jesus does not conclude on a down note, but instead assures them of peace because He has conquered the world (v. 33). 

1.   Have you acknowledged your need for the Holy Spirit?  Do you ask for Him to help you live out His desires in your life every day? Spend some time thanking God for the gift of the Holy Spirit!  Thank Him for His revelation, guidance and that He speaks to us (v. 13).  Pray that the Spirit will teach you what it means to walk with Him daily, moment by moment. 
2.   In the midst of suffering and hard times, Jesus offers peace.  He doesn’t promise to take all the hard stuff away, but He promises us that we can have peace through the tough times.  Think about a tough circumstance in your life and ask the Lord to grow in you the character required to have peace through that circumstance.  Thank Him for the peace that He offers you, in the midst of your circumstance.