Luke 8 begins
with begins with a description of following Jesus. First we are given a brief
description of some of Jesus’ followers (v 1-3). Then, we are told how to
follow Jesus. It is not about saying the right words or obeying the correct
practices – it is about the heart (v 4-15). We are warned that following Jesus
isn’t an easy job. Many will reject Jesus’ message immediately (v 12). Others
will receive it, but turn due to temptation (v 13) or the worries, riches or
pleasures of this life (v 14). Those who truly follow Jesus “have heard the
word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with
perseverance” (v 15). We are then reminded of one major reason why we should
follow Jesus: He is Yahweh. He has authority over the weather (v 22-25, Psalm
107:28-30). He has authority over evil (v 26-39). He has authority over
disease, and even death (v 40-56).
Journaling and Prayer
1. Meditate
on the Parable of the Sower and the Seed. What kind of soil is your heart? Ask
God to show you what the next step is for you, in improving the quality of your
2. Jesus
still has the kind of authority seen in Luke 8 today. Spend some time
worshipping Him for this.
3. Pray
for schools. Ask God to raise up many godly teachers, administrators and
support staff. Pray that Christian students would grow in boldness and courage
in witnessing to their friends. Ask God to reverse the tide of wickedness that
has been moving into our schools (ex. teachers being forced to teach immoral
curriculum, students being bullied by peers).