Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Foundations: The Gospel of Luke - Day 24

Read Luke 19:28-48

The second half of Luke 19 describes Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.  Days later Jesus would be crucified. Jesus intentionally sent His disciples to get a donkey for Him to ride (v 30-31). This was to fulfill the Messianic prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. As He rode into Jerusalem crowds gathered, laying down their garments before Him and rejoicing (v 35-38). They quote Psalm 118, a psalm of praise for God’s salvation. Despite this adoring reception, Jesus wept as He approached the city (v 41). He longed for the people to be reconciled to God through Him. However, He knew that because the Jews rejected Him, they would be faced with tragedy (v 42-44). Upon entering Jerusalem, Jesus cleaned out the temple (v 54-46). Moneylenders and merchants were taking advantage of worshippers. Jesus, in a fit of righteous anger, drove them out. Jesus does not withhold punishment from people that prevent others from worshipping God. At this point, Jesus had crossed a line in the religious leaders’ minds. He was repeatedly rebuking religious leaders, the people were praising Him and some were even alluding to Him as a Saviour. At this point, the chief priests, scribes and leaders systematically sought out a way to destroy Jesus (v 47-48).

Journaling and Prayer
1.  Jesus’ disciples were obedient to His commands (v 30-35). Has there ever been a time in your life when Jesus asked you to do something you didn’t particularly want to do? What was the result? Ask God to grow you in obedience to Him.
2.   Mediate on verse 38: “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord; Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” What does this teach us about Jesus? If it helps you can read Psalm 118, which the people in this passage are quoting.
3.   Jesus wept over Jerusalem because its people denied Him. Spend some time praying for the lost. Jesus still weeps over these people. Ask God to show you His heart for them. As you pray think of specific people you know who don’t know Jesus. Let God show you what you can pray for them. Also, ask if there is any way He would have you reach out to someone you know.