Monday, January 14, 2013

Foundations: The Gospel of Luke - Day 15

Read Luke 11:14-54

In this passage we see some of the different ways people oppose Jesus. First, Jesus heals a demon-possessed man. Upon seeing this, some people reject Jesus, saying He is allied with evil powers. Others refuse to take this miracle as evidence to believe in Jesus – they ask for “a sign from heaven” (v 15-16). Jesus uses this as an opportunity to declare, yet again, who He is (v 17, 20).  Jesus casting out demons in God’s name is a sign that the kingdom of heaven had begun to arrive (v 20). Then Jesus warns the crowds about their response to Him. He teaches about the foolishness of turning back to sin after repenting of it (v 24-26). It is also foolish to ignore Jesus, as He is more significant than anyone else in history (v 29-32). In the second half of the passage we see one of Jesus’ most direct rebukes recorded in the Gospels. In the manner of Old Testament prophets, Jesus declares the coming judgment for those who practice hypocrisy (v 37-54).

Journaling and Prayer
1.   In verses 24-26 Jesus gives us a strong warning against returning to sin after we have confessed and repented. Proverbs 26:11 (NIV) puts it this way: “As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.” Both passages strongly say that it is foolishness to return to past sin. Ask God to show you any areas where you have returned to past sin. Confess this to Him and ask for help in permanently repenting.
2.   Jesus gave six warnings to the religious leaders. Ask God to search your life – do you do any of these things? Confess anything He reveals to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you godly sorrow over your sin (2 Corinthians 7:10-11).
  •  focussing on religious practices while neglecting justice and the love of God
  • seeking honour and privilege for oneself
  • putting on a religious front, while hiding sin in your heart
  • weighing others down with burdens and laws, but not helping them live these out
  • hiding disobedience with “good” deeds
  • refusing to walk in the knowledge of Jesus and, in so doing, preventing others from getting to know Him.

3.   Pray for the Christian leaders you know. Ask that God would prevent them from falling into the traps Jesus warned of. Ask God to give them integrity and steadfastness. Ask that they way they live their lives would lead people to Jesus instead of away from Him.