Saturday, January 5, 2013

Foundations: The Gospel of Luke - Day 6

Read Luke 5:1-26

These stories describe something fascinating about Jesus’ interactions with people. Unlike the leaders of the world, Jesus chooses followers based on their hearts, not their talents, abilities or social status.  Simon Peter was a blue-collar fisherman, not a young rabbinical student. But through his actions we see that he was obedient and humble. Simon Peter knew that, because he was a sinful man, he had nothing to offer Jesus (v 8). The leper was an outcast. He was probably afraid of rejection because he had never experienced another person’s compassion. However, he moved past his fears to ask Jesus for help (v 13). In the third story Jesus could have chosen to interact with the powerful Pharisees who were present (v 17). Instead, He healed the paralytic who was willing to do whatever it took to get closer to Jesus (including going through a hole in the roof! [v 19]). Jesus responds to people who have willing, tender hearts toward Him. He does not require social status or perfection; He asks only that we would come.

Journaling and Prayer
1.   After the greatest catch of his life, where all his monetary needs would be completely taken care of, Simon Peter left everything to follow Jesus.  A modern equivalent would be receiving a big promotion or making a major business deal and walking away for Christ. Peter could have said, “Thanks,” and done his own thing. But Jesus had spoken a deeper dream into his heart: “From now on you will be catching men” (v 10). Jesus spoke to that place in the Simon Peter’s heart that longed for more than wealth. Ask God if there’s anything in your life that He wants you to walk away from in order to get closer to Him. If He shows you something ask Him to reveal why He wants you to walk away from this.
2.   In the midst of His ministry’s busyness, Jesus often went on His own to pray (v 16). Connecting with God regularly helps us to become more compassionate. It teaches us to hear and obey the Holy Spirit’s promptings to love others. Ask God for one practical way you can show compassion to someone today.
3.   Pray for Christians in the marketplace. There is great temptation to pursue riches and power instead of Jesus. Ask that God would rid these Christians of their idols. Pray that they would follow Jesus in their professions. Pray that as these people forsake the goals of the world in favour of the goals of Jesus, many people would take notice and submit their hearts to Christ.